Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Moonrise Kingdom

Release Date: June 29, 2012

Director: Wes Anderson

Stars: Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Jared Gilman

Runtime: 94 min

Moonrise Kingdom is an intelligent and witty exploration of pre-teen rebellion, young love, and finding oneself. The story follows an orphan boy scout, Sam (Jared Gilman), who just wants to be accepted; but he is a bit too peculiar to be accepted so easily. He meets Suzy (Kara Hayward), who is the black sheep of her family, and she really wishes she didn’t have one.

This contrast of characters is poignant and interesting. Gilman and Hayward truly impress and have some fine chemistry. Their innocent sex scene is so awkward, yet very compelling and beautiful. I love their relationship.

Anderson’s cinematography and style are also something to love. The story is essentially a search-and-rescue story, meets coming-of-age tale. The themes, drama and comedy have a great balance. The plot, characters and the performers are the strongest aspects of the film. Though, it’s all a little boring. That might be because I am not yet accustomed to Wes Anderson’s pace of storytelling. I’ve always heard that his films are an acquired taste; and now I truly know why. Since this is my first Wes Anderson viewing, I don’t love it very much just yet. I’d like to watch all of his other movies; and then revisit this one.

Hayward and Gilman are fantastic. It’s also amazing to see Bruce Willis, Bill Murray and Edward Norton, my favourite actor, share the screen together. It’s cinema magic. I liked it a fair deal, even if I did feel bored during. It’s a seemingly acquired taste; so I’d love to revisit this after making myself accustomed to Anderson’s style. This really is a well-made dramedy.


8 thoughts on “Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

  1. It’s Anderson being Anderson, but it’s surprisingly not annoying or twee. There’s a heart to these characters and this story, that make it worth waiting around for. Good review Dan.

  2. This was the first Anderson film I saw and I loved it. I showed it to my family on New Year’s. My parents hated it, and it’s my sister’s favorite movie. Very divisive!

    Great review. Even if it’s below 90/100, I enjoyed reading it. 🙂

    1. Haha, very divisive indeed! My favourite part was probably when Bill Murray threw his shoe at Edward Norton. That was hilarious.

      Thanks, Alexander 😀

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